“If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive.” - Audre Lorde
Spiritual Accompaniment
What is Spiritual Accompaniment?
Perhaps you’ve heard of spiritual direction, but rather than direct you, I prefer to accompany you. We are all spiritual beings, and I’ve devoted the last decade to studying language of the divine as well as human meaning-making frameworks. In Spiritual Accompaniment sessions, I journey with you to reclaim, revision, and expand your relationship with the divine. After all, it is your relationship, and no one else’s.
Experience and Credentials
In addition to holding a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary, I completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) through the Jewish Theological Seminary. CPE is the training required for chaplains, and teaches them how to accompany people of any faith background through life’s most sacred or painful events. While serving as a congregational minister, I also completed the process to be ordained in the UCC, which included years of theological discernment in various committees, as well as pyschological fitness testing, before I elected to instead be ordained extraordinarily by a group of 12 interfaith ministers.
What are your methods?
I use a three-pronged method to support you in your spiritual life: identify and expand your sources and frameworks for your spirituality; hold space for your discernment in which communities will support your spirituality; and help you develop rituals and practices to ground your spirituality.
I'm trans, queer, and/or poly; will you support me?
Wholeheartedly, yes. I am a queer-, trans-, and poly-competent practitioner and honor the humanity of all of these identities. They are not mutually exclusive to being a spiritual person. They are part of your spiritual identity and i believe the divine rejoices in who you are. I’m so happy to work with you.