“Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.”
-Dane Rudhyar
Astrology Consultations
What is a natal chart?
Our natal chart is a two-dimensional image of the sky at the moment of our birth. This cosmological snapshot contains information about our purpose and the gifts and challenges surrounding it. Contained within the natal chart are symbolic markers that signal every moment of our lives, all the people who come and go, and where we can find our greatest hopes and solutions to life’s vicissitudes.
What can I expect from a consultation?
Consultations take several charts into account: your natal chart, your secondary progressed chart (the chart if we advance your natal chart one day per year), and the current sky (or transits chart). I also calculate your profection year (the house, sign, and ruler of your current age). Using this information, we determine a path forward from your current situation to your ideal experience.
What systems and elements do you engage?
I use the Whole Sign House System, because it is works the best for me and the many timing techniques I utilize. I engage the ten planets and luminaries, but stick to the classical rulerships of the signs. I use the tropical zodiac, which is the zodiac that utilizes the equinoxes and solstices to time the zodiacal seasons. If germane to the inquiry, I’ll include a discussion of the lunar nodes, as well as Chiron.
How can I best prepare for a consultation?
It is of utmost importance that clients submit an accurate, to the minute birth time whenever possible. A few minutes off can radically change the fingerprint of the chart. Please consult your birth certificate if you can. If you don’t have your birth time, that’s ok! Let me know that you’re unsure; we can work around it. It is also very helpful if you supply me with some context before the reading— why you are seeking a consultation and what is your current biggest dilemma. Chart consultations are collaborative experiences. We work together to identify ways through your current dilemma and cultivate peace and hope.