On Feeling Stuck during Mars and Mercury Retrograde

On New Year's Day, Mars will move into its stationary degree (the degree where it changes direction from retrograde to direct motion, backward to forward) at 8 Gemini, where it will remain for a whopping 23 days. During those weeks the Fiery One is stationing, it may be helpful to keep the following in mind:

1. When applying force to dislodge things that feel stuck, we must consider the consequences of the moment of release. Ideally, we can anticipate how much force is required to get something loose without injuring ourselves when it does come free. Be mindful of how hard to press!

2. When a planet is stationary it appears to be motionless but its motion has just changed in nature. This applies to situations in the life that feel directionless. To change direction, there must be a moment of suspension. A planetary station is like a rollercoaster about to drop, a car shifting from reverse to drive, a pivoting basketball player crossing over a defender, the moment between an inhalation and a sneeze.

3. Mars' dispositor (ruler of the sign its in) is Mercury, and Mercury will *also* be at its stationary degree in January (and at 8 degrees, too--but in Capricorn). These stations coincide January 15-21. Imagine that the aforementioned basketball player is about to come back from a game-long deficit in points. It will take a tremendous amount of focus and energy to pull out the maneuver to score the winning basket. But those sorts of victories are the best kind. It's all about the suspense. In this metaphor, the player is Mercury. The maneuver and potential victory is Mars.

4. We will all experience this suspenseful moment in mid-Jan. Everyone will be in a waiting game for their moment of relief and release. Be kind yet boundaried. We might be clumsy with each other, plan for grace.

5. This feels preparatory for the major shifts coming our way in March-- Saturn into Pisces for the first time since 1994 (my phrase for this transit is "feelin' groovy") and Pluto into Aquarius for the first time since 1777. Big changes in tech, work, and collective freedom.

All this to say, if you're feeling stuck and suspended, know that motion is still happening, change is on its way. It's a game-time moment. Pay attention to your dreams, mine them for signs, as the material world may not offer you many. Hold on loosely, but don't let go.

I'm hosting a New Year's Eve gathering for a year-ahead forecast and some (optional) time to make vision boards together. You can RSVP here! It’s pay-what-you-can.


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